Lauren Wessinger
Gabrielle Douglas

March 25th - March 30th

Prana Del Mar: Getting Here

Prana Del Mar Cabo San Lucas - Todos Santos La Tinaja
BCS Mexico


Lauren Wessinger - Yoga Retreat in Mexico   Gabrielle Douglas - Mexico Yoga Retreat


Retreat to Baja:

Meditation + Yoga Retreat
Baja, Mexico
w/ Lauren Wessinger & Gabrielle Douglas
March 25 – 30, 2023


We are thrilled to welcome you to retreat with us at the beautiful Prana del Mar!


Following a formal rhythm of practice can allow you to tend to your body, find still points in your mind, and come back to a more centered place.


Gabrielle Douglas and Lauren Wessinger, both longtime and dedicated yoga and meditation instructors, promise to guide you through a healing and rejuvenating retreat. Be held in yoga, time away, and community.


Mornings begin with an optional sunrise guided meditation, followed by a delicious fresh breakfast.


Then, a 1.5-2 hour morning yoga practice invites the fire with options given for all levels of practitioner and/or injuries. We do not teach power flow, but expect just enough challenge to move out stuck energy and clear space for restoration.


After a little rest or pool time enjoy a beautiful farm-to-table lunch, with afternoon free to do as you wish.


Afternoon practice is 1.5 hours of yin, restorative, and slow flow…think deep rejuvenating rest.


Dinner is always a delicious and fun community event.


Every other evening (or every night if the group wants!), Yoga Nidra (aka Yoga Sleep) will be offered by candlelight after dinner.


All classes offer contemplation, optional journaling, yoga ,and meditation.


Pricing for this special yoga retreat includes:

  • Five nights lodging
  • All yoga + meditation classes
  • Three delicious meals each day – mainly vegetarian with seafood options several times per week
  • Welcome gift
  • Use of pool, hot tub, sauna and yoga props
  • Airport transfers between Prana del Mar and Los Cabos International airport (SJD) on March 25th and 30th
  • All sales and hotel taxes


Not included in this yoga retreat:

  • Airfare to Los Cabos (SJD)
  • Additional excursions or activities
  • Optional massages or spa services
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Travel insurance (recommended)
  • Gratuities


$2,650 per person for double-occupancy (shared room)
$3,200 per person for single-occupancy (private room)


Because we are living in uncertain times, retreat leaders cannot assume possible risk. There will be no refunds at all for any reason, of deposit or of full payment. That said, travel insurance is only a few hundred dollars and covers your entire trip, including full retreat fee and flight should anything happen (including a Covid diagnosis). Thank you for understanding, for supporting these women-owned small businesses, and for helping make this trip a success!


Lauren Wessinger
Lauren Wessinger is a mama, student of yoga, teacher of yoga, mala maker and occasional writer in Fort Worth, Texas.


Someone said to me once, “yoga is not about seeking and searching, but about awakening and coming home to that which we already are.” I took this in like a breath of fresh air. The process and practice of getting to know myself as I enter my third decade as a yoga practitioner has been one of befriending the shadow side of myself, celebrating the light side, and knowing the beauty of life lives in the simple everyday moments in between. It allows me to show up and serve in ways I never imagined I could. It allows me to be as present and clear as possible with my family, and totally transparent and honest when I am not. It allows me to see all challenges in relations and interactions as a mirror.


My classes provide a good well-rounded mix of styles from over half a lifetime in the seat of the student, and going on eight years in the seat of the teacher. Students can expect a robust, yet even-paced, flow class with meticulous attention to alignment and functional strength. Every class brings plenty of connection to spirit and heart. As always, we end in a restorative pose combined with an exquisite savasana to ensure students leave with a quiet and calm nervous system. My training in yoga for people with injuries, and also my offering of prenatal yoga, truly makes my classes available to all levels and needs of practitioner.


My current teacher is Elena Brower, and my past teachers who still influence me today are Judith Lasater, Ana Forrest, Jason Crandell, and Kimberly Hardick. I keep my studies close and always have several yoga books on rotation, get easily inspired by anatomy blogs on better, safer ways to teach asana, and am always looking for and planning the next training to attend. My spirited children, my entire family, my teachers, my business SoulSpace Yoga Community, and the people of the world challenge me to be my best. I feel my sweet Mom by my side always, her gentle guiding hand in all I do.


Gabrielle Douglas
Gabrielle has been practicing yoga since 1998, meditation since 2003, and teaching since 2008. She studied ballet as a child and teen, and when she found yoga, it felt like a natural transition from the fluidity and movement of dance. Due to chronic pain in her body from the repetitive movements required of her in her 17-year hairstyling career, she realized she had to make a positive change for herself and chose to teach yoga full time. She obtained her 200-hour certification in Vajra Yoga and Meditation with Jill Satterfield in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont and in New York City in 2007. She obtained her 500 hour certification in 2017 with Indra’s Grace Yoga in Weatherford, TX.


Through accumulating many hours of study with various teachers and styles of yoga, and also through teaching group and private classes, workshops, and retreats, she has developed a well rounded style of her own. Gabby has mostly studied Hatha, Iyengar, Vajra, Anusara and Restorative Yoga. Her education focused on alignment within each asana/pose, and how to mindfully unite body and breath. She feels most comfortable teaching classes at a slower pace, saying ìin this way we can find our alignment and mindful breath and fulfill each pose before moving on to the next.î Her classes have been described as grounding, strengthening, challenging, meditative and relaxing.


Yoga keeps Gabrielle grounded and tuned in to both herself and life around her. Practicing yoga helps her feel more peaceful with life, and she enjoys helping others find their inner peace as well. She dedicates much of her time to helping people learn the benefits of yoga, and the experience gives back to her in so many incredible ways. She feels driven to share this knowledge with anyone who wants to learn!


For more information and to register for this special yoga retreat, please visit the retreat website or email Lauren directly.