Yoga and Surf Retreats in Mexico

There is a joy in riding a wave that is difficult to describe in words — but it’s plain to see when it lights up a surfer’s face. Eyes wide and sparkling, a grin that can’t be erased, and the urge to giggle uncontrollably are all tell-tale signs.


Surfing is one of the most natural ways to sink into the rhythm of the ocean. It is fun and playful, exciting and exhilarating, and — for many — it can provide a deeply satisfying spiritual connection with the world around us. Catching and riding a wave will awaken you to the present moment in a way that few activities can match.


Whether you’re an old pro or just learning, we can find a surf break that will fit your needs. There are over a dozen different surf spots within a one-hour radius of Prana del Mar — many that pick up swell all year long. From the winter surf on the Pacific side to the southern swell that hits both the Pacific and Sea of Cortez coastlines, we’ll help you find the break that best suits your abilities and comfort level.


Pairing yoga with surfing is an excellent combination. Tune into the world around you, the undulations of the waves, the rise and fall of your breath. The ocean provides an inspiring reminder of the beauty, simplicity, and power of nature. Catching a wave helps you synchronize with the ocean’s rhythm and offers an exhilarating sense of unity with the natural world.


We partner with a great surf school that provides expert instruction from helpful, enthusiastic guides. Their positive energy is contagious and will ensure that you’re riding a wave in no time. So come blend a yoga retreat with a Baja surf adventure – and experience a sense of balance on land and on the sea!